He reunites the game-changing architects of anarchy who broke. Ben Elton fronts a one-off revival of the stand-up and entertainment show, linking in with Channel 4s 40th anniversary celebrations. It took much less persuasion than it should have done to get me to write this. Avec Ben Elton, Harry Enfield, Julian Clary, Jo Brand, Ronni Ancona, Rosie Jones.

A second meta-fantasy about Boyinaband from Dave's POV, and this time it's really really NSFW. Expand your ImmunoWars collection with a bunch of late-night bioweapons. This is a follow up to "Confessions of a Catfishing YouTuber". I've had this up on Wattpad for ages, time to post on AO3 too. Two people were seen engaging in an apparent sex act at the Rogers Centre during last nights Blue Jays game, much to the surprise of anyone near them in the 500s. Brown (Video Blogging RPF)/Reader - Freeform RachelALoewen Fandoms: boyinaband - Fandom Spice up your night with 141 funny, risque, and genuinely intriguing Most Likely to Questions. Confessions Part 2: One Night Stand (NSFW)